What is the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA)? Explained in Simple Words

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The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) is an industry organization that represents online gaming and betting operators in Europe. It aims to promote responsible gambling, fair competition, and a well-regulated online gambling market.

The History of EGBA

Established in 2007, EGBA was founded to create a unified voice for the European online gaming and betting industry. Since then, it has played a crucial role in shaping the regulatory landscape of the industry and ensuring the highest standards of consumer protection.

EGBA’s Mission and Objectives

The EGBA is committed to promoting a safe, responsible, and well-regulated online gambling environment. Its key objectives include:

  • Advocating for effective regulation
  • Ensuring responsible gambling
  • Safeguarding player’s rights
  • Encouraging fair competition

EGBA Member Companies

EGBA’s members include some of the most well-known and respected online gaming and betting operators in Europe, such as Bet365, Kindred Group, Betsson Group, and William Hill. These companies work together to promote a sustainable and competitive online gambling market.

EGBA’s Code of Conduct

EGBA’s Code of Conduct provides guidelines for its members to ensure they uphold the highest standards of consumer protection, responsible gambling, and business practices. Key areas covered in the Code include:

  • Data protection and privacy
  • Player protection measures
  • Responsible advertising
  • Anti-money laundering

Major EGBA Initiatives

EGBA has spearheaded various initiatives to support its mission, including:

  • The EGBA Responsible Advertising Code
  • Supporting research and education on responsible gambling
  • Advocating for EU-wide regulation and cooperation


The European Gaming and Betting Association plays a crucial role in the online gambling industry by promoting responsible gambling, fair competition, and effective regulation. As a result, EGBA helps to ensure a safe and enjoyable online gaming experience for players across Europe.

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